
Bryan Gennaro

Name: Bryan Gennaro
Age: 30 years old
Home town: Santa Clarita
Years riding: 17yrs
Stance : goofy footed

  • What’s your favorite set up? … and why?

Favorite set up- Antihero deck, Mob grip, Independent trucks, Bronson bearings, Bones wheels 54mm. This set up is my ideal ride because It’s what I’m used to, it’s comfortable and it last longer than most set completes.

  • Favorite skate spot / your favorite trick?

Favorite spot would have to be Griffith Park or Arvada skatepark I’m C.O.Favorite trick- Powerslides all day, Kickflips are cool too.

  • If you could skate with anybody dead or alive who would it be?

Would love to skate with Rodney Mullen because I would learn a lot from him.

  • Who is/was your biggest inspiration for skateboarding? … and why?

Biggest inspiration now would have to be all the pros over 40 who still skate!

  • Favorite skate shoes?

Vans and Emericas

  • If you could have any superpower what would it be and why?

I always liked The Flash so maybe super speed.

  • What’s your biggest dream?

Was going pro when I was younger, now it would be to manage a skate team.                                                                                                                                                      

  • Why did you chose skateboarding? explain…

I didn’t choose skateboarding. It chose me.

  • What would you do with 5mln dollars?

If I had 5 million dollars I would make sure my Family was well off and then probably build a house wherever I want and put the best skatepark in it.

  • If you could give any advice to the younger generation of athletes what would it be?

To the younger generation of skateboarders out there... the skateboarding industry is not what you think. Do it for yourself and nobody else.

  • Who is your crush?J

I used to have a big crush on the actress Kate Beckinsale. Who knows now.


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